Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne in NYC on Thursday at the re-launch of the Swatch Watches store in Time Square.
To be honest, she looks amazing in the dress and everyone knows that shes been trying really hard for that body. But whats wrong with her makeup???  She looks like she has gone majorly overboard on every part of her makeup! I love her and everything she does now, but sometimes you just have to learn to say No.


Tights Lover said...

Definitely agree. The makeup is just too much.

dotie said...

her dress is absolutely stunning..<3<3


daisychain said...

Ugh, hate the makeup! Love her body though, perfection.

test said...

oh dear. the make-up is WAY too much but I adore the hat and outfit.

Pre-Holiday SALE

Becca. said...

thanks for thee comment :)
i love the top, the pattern is really pretty.
and i'm beginning to like the expensive stuff in topshop ahaa :)

p.s please become a fan of fashion-train on facebook :)

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