I walked past Emporio Armani whilst in London at the weekend and in the window (as seen below), there was a display of various women's outfits all based around a certain design. SPOTS. Now I know I sound stupid, but as I am not ever buying designer clothes, I did not realise how much high streets brands simply copy the ideas and looks from designers. I know, I know...people will be screaming whilst listening to this, but I stupidly thought that things would be different by for example having the high street brand made to bring out the similar collection a while behind, where as this display seemed fairly new. Obviously my opinion is fairly insignificant, but even if I did have the money to afford these designer clothes...If the same style jumper from a high street brand looked nice then why not just get that? :) Especially if you are capable of jazzing it up in your own special and unique way!!
Anyway take a look at the Topshop Jumper below
and tell me what you think!!
and tell me what you think!!

Things have continued to be a bit sucky this week obviously because of the break up situation. But I decided today, that I am not going to let myself be upset about this. Life moves on, and so can I! So any little motivational comments or quotes - ooo quotes especially would be great :)

Just been catching up on my blogs and seen your pics onthis page and a page back... you look so fab girl!
love your outfits the skirt you bought from you friends looks great on you.. hope you managed to enjoy ( gather from your latest post what happend) chin up you look great even though you might not feet at :(
thanks for your comments as always
peace n love to ya xx
Do lots of things that make you happy, like with your friends parents anything else and it'll remind you of all the good things in life :) Just something thats helped me after break ups, if you really appreciate evrything else you've got! and totally agree with the copying thing tooo,
I deleted my previous post because I made a typo! hah.
I'm sorry about your break up!! life moves on and there are only better things in store for you!
I love quotes from sex & the city, there are a few good break up quotes.
I also agree with you in this post, money can't buy style!
Wha!!! That is so cute. I love it!!!
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only buy something that expensive if its a timeless peice and you are willing to part with that much money. I am totally down with cheaper online botique's. They just seem to get me better :P
you have the lovely blog my dear! i love it.
and i loooveee emporio armani. they have some amazzing stuff.
i love that jumper. <3
It just filters down,doesn't it!!If I like what is current,I just wait until it is no longer current,but it secondhand and then put my spin on it!!But yeah,why pay all that money for a designer garment that is likely made in the same Chinese factory as the Top Shop one??
Years ago I used to buy a lot of designer clothes and then I brought a house and found the high street so now what I do I look at the designers and then find my copies on the high street this has served me well for the past 5 years I also think it is more creative. xoxo
Great post
love the jumper ;>
the topshop jumper is actually nicer lol
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I had a read through your blog and I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. No quotes spring to mind but just by just reading posts from you I can see your such a strong person! Before I even read of your situation I though that... I don't even know you but somehow I know you are so going to be fine!
Your blog is just fantastic! And you my dear are just too gorgeous for words ;)
just wanted to send love x
Love the yop. So cute. :) Love your blog too!
Love the jumper!
Don't have any motivational quotes for you other than each day things will get a little better until you feel good again! Hope you're doing well!
thank you, girl! that's so nice to hear.
i'm with you.. i say go with the cheaper version unless it's something you really REALLY must have and truly love. the topshop jumper is great - i'm a huge topshop fan! that's what i wear for the majority of my photo shoots and video.
sorry to hear about your break up. but alas, life does go on! ;)
i say go with the cheaper version too. i actually like most of the cheaper versions better, not because of the price, but i think most of them look nicer. maybe i'm the only one!
i just tagged you in my latest post (:
Sending you virtual love =]
I have something that will cheer you up - you won! Nothing beats a breakup like a bit of music therapy
You'll be okay darling, I promise
Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x
Nice pictures! I love that dota blouse
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