Dakota Fanning

Dakota Fanning

All I can say is WOW WOW WOW to this picture of Dakota Fanning.
The 16 year old is amazingly talented and by the looks of things, gorgeous too.

LOVE this picture from The Look Fashion Show where the model is wearing the gorgeous ASOS Silk Wrap Waisted Trousers - £45. I am really getting into this type of trousers, and I want these so much :) Although 45 pounds is a bit much for me! They look stunning on this model and I would love to get my hands on them, especially with the bright top underneath as seen here!! I STILL haven't spent my gift voucher because I havent found the perfect item for the £25 so I guess the wait will go on :)

Also PLEASE take a look at my best mate Shaun's photography and gossip blog. He has done some gorgeous work and has much more to upload! I will be doing some modeling for him soon :)


Rock Couture said...

Wool very cool shots!

daisychain said...

Lookswise, Dakota reminds me a little of Lindsay Lohan.

Audrey Allure said...

Great photos! I adore how Dakota remains classy :)

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Oh, Dakota...all grown up and lovely. Yay! :)

hewnly said...

Dakota is 16 years old ;> love photos!!!


I always thought of Dakota Fanning as younger than me for some reason but we're actually the same age.. Haha, & I love those trousers, too! I've been searching for a pair that I like. I recently came across your friend, Shaun's blog. I don't remember how.. but it's great!

xx, Melissa

Miri said...

I love that photo shoot with Dakota, when I first saw it I was like 'What? Really? Wooow, she's preeeetty' lol =P

Tessa Rose said...

Those trousers are gorgeous! And now I want a pair, but have no money... Thanks Pip!

Would love the top in your giveaway but somehow don't think my reasons (that I want it, I'm skint and it's pretty!) can really compare to some of the others, so I'll leave it for someone more deserving!

Rose xxx


Anonymous said...

she looks so grown up...
i love all of the photography blogs you post, they're good inspiration for when i start photography next year :)

Marta said...

shame, i haven't heard of her before. you're going to do some modelling? cool!

Overlooking Mississippi said...

Can't believe how much Dekota has grown up..Great actress..Cool blog!

English Rose ♥ said...

I adore Dakota Fanning so incredibly much, I hope so badly that she doesn't go down the Lindsay Lohan route.

Thanks so much for stopping by darling =]

Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x

perfectionishuman said...

I've never really been fond of Dakota.. but I do hope she doesn't go the Miley route x

FashionJazz said...

Luv her! Hope ur well hun!! Im finally back xx

Everyday Dress Up said...

love your site. layout and everything.

df looks unbelievable in that photo.


iliketweet said...

Dakota looks amazing! Can't believe she's still so young!



Yuri said...

thanks for finding my blog, i love yours!!! those waisted trousers are gorgeous, and so is the model! who is she?

im following, i will definitely be coming back to read future posts. :)

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