Last day working at Topshop

Last day working at Topshop

So for my last ever day at Topshop yesterday, 
I decided that I would wear my new Topshop SALE cream blouse - £25.00
matched with my old Topshop Belt - £20.00
SALE Topshop Earrings - £2.00
Newlook Flower (in set) - £5.00
Sorry for the dodgy bedrooms shots... 
Hopefully will have some better styles soon!

Take a look at this offer...
20% off all orders - Code: SS10OASIS - Expires: 16th May 2010
Sent to me by www.Discountcoder.com

ALSO...follow me on TWITTER...
yes thats right Clashingtime has hit the blogging scene!
Not a single clue how to use it though!
So if you could kindly put your twitter addresses in a comment
or follow me directly on http://twitter.com/Pippa_CTx
I have no idea how to use it!
So some advice would be nice also!!! :)
x CT x


Oh to Be a Muse said...

Pippa! i love that blouse. if i had pierced ears i would rock those earrings too! :)


Paint it Black said...

Gorgeous blouse wow you have left Topshop I am sure you will still be one of their top customer xoxo

See you on Twitter :)

♥Music Fashion Clutter ♥ said...

Love this outfit! suits u so well

Last day... aww sad times ??

i will add you in Twitter me dear


is my link xx

Eloise said...

That tunic is lovely

A Shopaholic is loose said...

It must be sad leaving TopShop and all the goodies... Love your outfit! ;-)

Unknown said...

You look beautiful hun. Hope your last day was a wonderful one!

A Pocket full of Dreams said...

Hope you had a fab day hun!

Have just added you to twitter now: https://twitter.com/pocketdreams86 xxx

LillianZahra said...

You look lovely :)
Hope you had a good last day at Topshop! x

julianne. said...

that looks so adorable.
love the accessories. <3

EilidhPie said...

Hope you had a good shift.
I'll follow you on twitter :) x

FashionHippieLoves said...

lovely outfit


Suyinsays said...

you look absolutely gorgeous! way to go out with a total bang! hope you had a lovely last day

Steph & The Spaniels said...

why is there never anything good in my Topshop sale, it actually gorgeous!
did u grab me some bargins before u left? hehe
You look stunning babe, and that outfit is just gorgeous
now following u on twitter too ♥

Emma x said...

Aww you look lovely, the blouse is gorgeous xx

Steph & The Spaniels said...

ah boo :( I'm a size 12/14- other wise I would have bought it off you straight away. Thanks for the offer anyway honey.
Hopefully my bf's Topshop will have better stock (usually does) so I'll have a nosey round there next week

Steph & The Spaniels said...

wow, you are being super lovely :)
well that sounds great. Do u wanna email me at steph0188@hotmail.com
& let me know the price etc
thanks again u lovely lady xxx

Tor That's Peachy said...

Aww that shirt is gorgeous, I'm going to scan ebay for one now lol!!
You look so pretty :D

How come you've left Topshop? I work there too :)
I'm following you on twitter too... www.twitter.com/tornumber9


Anonymous said...

love ur outfit!!! xx

Tessa Rose said...

Thanks Pip! It's ASOS.
And yay! Welcome to twitter :)

I really like your shirt and belt! You look really pretty. :) Have to admit I'm a bit worried for you though...how are you going to survive without your Topshop discount?!

Tess x


daisychain said...

you look gorgeous, you always do! am following you on twitter x

LadyBugSays ... said...

Love that cream blouse! I am clueless when it comes to Twitter!

Unknown said...

O have that blouse also but i most certainly did not get it in the sale! boo hoo xxxxx

Julie said...

I really like this outfit, and your earrings are gorgeous :)

ah i'm still debating whether to get twitter or not!

Enter My Giveaway!

Anonymous said...

love all the topshop clothes, amazing outfit (:

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