Christmas & New Year Sales

Christmas & New Year Sales

This is obviously a very late post about the Christmas and New Years sales and well, at least I can admit it! 
I feel that I should still do the honours of respecting the sales assistants of the world though by posting about how appreciative I am of them for working through it all! 
I know the feeling of working stressful times in the sales so this post in a sense is for them :) 
I will have a few more posts about my amazing buys over the next few weeks but also will have a big gap because I go on holiday with the boy on friday :)
This is a selection of images from a recent night out with my friends which was so lovely because I got to see all my college and school friends! I wore a playsuit I bought from Topshop in the sale for £25.00 but of course got the amazing student discount!In total I spent £100 even with the discount so there will be much more items from the sales to be shown soon :) Earings from newlook for £3.00!


Monika said...

You look gorgeous!
Oh my long comment exchange indeed :P I'd definitely recommend it, I actually applied with CCUSA they messed up but I still ended up going and it was quiet an experience! I loved being in the US and you get to travel for a month after camp is over...what more could you want?! I miss it soooo much! I know people who ended up at rich kids camps....lunry! I did it in my first year and applied I think before Christmas! What course are you doing at uni?

daisychain said...

You look seriously amazing x

LillianZahra said...

You look gorgeous. Love those earrings. x

Louder Than Silence said...

Love the palysuit - what a lovely bargain! Sally x

Charly said...

Agh so jealous, I lovee this playsuit and couldnt find it in the sales! Have a lvoely holiday :)



Sophia's Lover said...

...you arise beauteous in the horizon of the heavens...


Paint it Black said...

I forgot how stressful working the Christmas sales was nearly had a break down last week it was mega busy but everything is back to normal now. You look goregous and I cant wait to see your new purchases xoxo

Catarina said...

Nice pics, you all look great.

Unknown said...

You girls look beautiful!!! Hope you & your boy have a wonderful time on your vacation :))

P.S. My photography is based around family sessions. Mainly children! I absolutely LOVE it ♥

Anonymous said...

i saw the playsuit on your faceb and loved it ;)
you look gorgeeeeee pippa!
(and in reply to your comment, do you mean jemporium? i know the furry coats you mean, SO LOVELY)

Jill said...

I didn't know that about the Rihanna video, that's insane!
I love your outfit you always look so trendy :)

k said...

you look great!!!

Anonymous said...

You are GORGEOUS!! I love your outfit..
P.s. I love your direct debit idea.. I'm so going to do that! :P Now following you honey! xx

Eiliyah said...

Your skin looks amazing!
I almost never go to those big sales because I get so stressed of all the people, so I cant even imagine how the sales assistants feel!

Gabriella Rose said...

Please check out my blog if you get the chance. I appreciate any and all feedback! Thank you so much.
Xx Gabriella

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks absolutely fantastic in the very first picture! Like a really professionally taken pic! :)I wish I had either the body or the confidence to wear a jumpsuit, but it looks really pretty on you :) A good clubbing outfitt I'd say- not too skimpy but fun! :)

Aveline said...

You look really pretty! :)

jazmine rocks @ jazzabelle's diary said...

you look so pretty, especially in the top photograph! i love what you are weaing, and your friend's fringed dress is so lovely. xx

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