Aussie Fitness

Aussie Fitness

Here we have some lovely videos from the gorgeous Aussie Angel people. It's about how to make you life lusciously lighter and although there was this whole huge confusion over some people thinking that Aussie was trying to say to people that they should lose weight and change their hair, Aussie actually were suggesting ways to energise yourself and empower your body and mind, and I cant wait to start this all. I will post something soon about how i'm doing so hopefully it'll be fun and I become lusciously lighter throughout life! Tell me what you think!

Now as the suns been out, my friends and I decided to make ourselves feel better with a picnic in the park. It just so happened that it was one of my friend's birthdays too! Tip number one from Clashing Time. Enjoy your free time.


Ramona said...

this is so brilliant and doesn't looks so hard, what I most love about it, just need to start :)

xoxo Ra

Sassy said...

I like this blog :D.
If you want, you follow me. I'll follow you too :)
Alla moda e con stile

Coquetin said...

Awww <3 That was such a good afternoon!

Rachel - Notes from my closet said...

Sounds like fun :) It has been great weather this weekend for picnics! :)

Jana K. said...

I like your blog! So interesting!

Erin said...

Such a cute blog! Can't wait to see the results of the Aussie project!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!



The vintageous said...

Thank you for your lovely comment!! Come and see the new post. Beso from Buenos Aires

follow meee


Anne said...

nice photo! & I like your blog. <3

Anonymous said...

eek, picnics are lush! x

roberto syrious said...

oooh lala gorgeous girls!!
cute outfit!!
hope you'll follow me so i'll do the same

Syriously in Fashion

Anonymous said...

Great blog and great post. Haven't really heard about the aussie thing, maybe cause I live in Denmark :) haha. But looks good!

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