So this Christmas I got something a little special. An iPad 2! Now I understand in this economic time that this is an incredible gift to receive and I definitely feel the same! But fortunately my parents got these for my sister and I on a day when Apple was providing 15% off iPad purchases! Lucky or what! It is such an incredible device...combined with my gorgeous Canon SLR from last Christmas, it is the perfect gift for blogging! Well let's hope so as this is my first post on the gadget! Luckily my parents also bought my sister and I an awesome USB connector so we can upload our images to the iPad so all of my Christmas day photos are here! To edit them I had heard of a small editing program for iPhones called Instagram and turns out you can use it on iPad's too! Here are some images from the day, including our fantastic roast dinner where we went completely against tradition and had Lamb instead of Turkey! But it's safe to say that the whole family was very pleased with he day! Including the cats!

Lucky girl! I'm debating purchasing an ipad but can't afford it this month :(
What a lovely present! Hope you had a fab day yesterday :) x
A good friend of mine has a ipad2 and it's awesome! She lets me play Angry Birds on it sometimes lol. Your kitty looks just like my kitty, Morrissey :)
Mabel Time
What a feast! The ipad2 is just awesome! I practically do all my reading browsing and playing in there hopefully I can start doing my posts there too!
Wonderful gift! And cute cat!
I have the first ipad, so no camera :( Great pressie to get and your christmas dinner looked seriously yum!
Thanks for the comment on my blog!
your dinner looks so posh! i think i'd cry if my mom even attempted to give me brocolli on christmas day, its blummin horrible!!
Instagram looks a pretty cool app! Great shots!
Sell WoW Accounts
eeeeek how exciting! I've been toying with the idea of treating myself to an ipad for a few months now, but keep talking myself out of it! xx
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