Recently I watched the stunning 'Julie and Julia' and it put me in such a good mood; I felt so inspired after watching it and it really made me want to get out there and do something fun! I thought it very appropriate to share a particular moment with you all because it made me happy and proud to have a blog :)
”You’re not a writer unless someone publishes you. See, that’s what’s so great about blogs. You don’t have to be published. You can just go online, press enter and there it is, out there.”
”You’re not a writer unless someone publishes you. See, that’s what’s so great about blogs. You don’t have to be published. You can just go online, press enter and there it is, out there.”
I may not blog all the time, but when I do, it's because I have something I believe is worth sharing. I hope you all agree! Blogging enables you to say what you think, when you want to write it and simply let people read it if they choose to do so! What could be better :) So I guess in a sense, this is a strange form of apology for not blogging more often, but sometimes a girl just has to have some fun!

1 comment
Hi there! Thanks for the msg on my blog, so you're in Oz too?! thats fab! Im in sydney at the moment but im actually moving to melbourne for a bit at the end of Feb... Whats it like?! Is it amazing?? Cos I hear theres a bit of rivalry between Sydney & Melbourne, haha. Anyways - It'd be cool to chat, if you fancy chinwagging about Oz vs Uk! my email is :)
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