Clashing Time Talks Burberry

Clashing Time Talks Burberry

I don't know if any of you have had the chance to see this video yet...if not, check it out now!
Firstly, how amazing is James Bay - beautiful voice and gorgeous smile. He definitely brought the show to a whole other level. Secondly, the way the video is put together and the design aspect of it is so sweet and nice; very girly look to at and it has a happy to feel to it. Congrats to the Burberry team for thinking up such a great title for the show - 'Birds and the Beas'. Thirdly, having Anna Wintour included in it is obviously going to make it even better because after all...who isn't obsessed with the petite little perfect haired woman? I certainly am! And then finally, the floaty designs and gorgeous fresh colours make the models look so graceful and feminine; although the designs are of course 'out there', the styles look as if they could be blended into anyone's wardrobe.

Overall, A* to Burberry. What do you think?

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