Clashing Time talks #CambMeetUp

Clashing Time talks #CambMeetUp

On the 7th March 2015, a hell of a lot of planning came to life. Although I never thought the day would come about, the Saturday of the #CambMeetUp arrived! This event was for around 50 bloggers from all over East Anglia to come together and talk about all things blogging. I got completely sick of going back and forth to London for blogging and networking events, so I decided to do some research into how many bloggers are in the local area and then brought them all together! I was overwhelmed by the positive response I had from local and East Anglian bloggers and was blown away by how many people actually attended. 
The event was held at Revolution Cambridge in the Cuban Bar between 3:30 and 6:30, and the space was fantastic! I couldn't have asked for a more helpful team of people to work with as they really brought the room to life for me. Throughout the day the emotions in the room were changing all the time, they started with massive nerves (most of the nervousness coming from me of course), then lots of excitement and then finally it ended with genuine happiness - who knew that a group of strangers could bring you so much happiness? I am so glad that all the people that did come were able to as it really did mean the absolute world to me - to see so many bloggers together in one room was just incredible and it made me so proud to know that I had made that happen.
I wanted to provide the guests with a present to take home at the end and The Blogger Programme kindly provided some amazing branded tote bags with '#CambMeetUp' written on the side. When I received the package with these bags in it, I honestly felt so thrilled, what better way to remember your event then with a bag you can use every day?
I worked with some incredible brands for the event and they helped me to fill the goodie bags for all the guests. These brands included Sniffy Wiffy, Hairy Jayne, Lush, L'Occitane, Neals Yard Remedies, Belvoir, Lisa Angel, Jilly Jilly, Claireabellemakes, The Snug, Ankh Rah, Mint Velvet, Kryptik Rose, Chocolat Chocolat,Kettle Chips and Coppa Feel.
I want to take this moment to thank all the lovely brands, my beautiful friends and family, and then of course the blogging community. Without blogging, my life would be so different, and I am so grateful to blogging for that. It has brought me out of my shell, has given me the confidence to try new things and most importantly I am grateful because blogging has introduced me to a bunch of people I never would have met before. If you are short on content ideas or are feeling uninspired, talk to others - we are all here to help!
Please check out the rest of the images here.


She's A Gentry said...

You did an amazing job of putting this event together, you should be so proud! I had a fantastic time, thank you for inviting me and I met so many lovely people who I'll definitely be keeping in contact with :-). Kat x

Unknown said...

Amazing! Great post! Your blog is so beautiful! I do really like it! You did a great job! I’ll be happy to hear you opinion about my blog!)

Diana Cloudlet

Unknown said...

Looks like everyone had an amazing time! I was so disappointed I couldn't make it - are there any plans for another blogger meet up later in the year? :)

Tara | Headline Beauty xox

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