The weekend before last I went to Summer in the City with Kat from Laydey Katabella! She seems to be my buddy for going to events and as we both do YouTube, it made sense for us to go to a YouTube convention together. When we arrived we were full of excitement as the Excel London is absolutely huge - I did not know what to expect. We were greeted by some stewards and directed to collect our wristbands, which made it feel like an awesome festival! Once we were inside we decided to take a walk around in order to work out where everything was...then we were off! We watched some really interesting chats on mental health, honesty and confessions, small bloggers..etc, but my favourite talk was definitely about women and female bloggers. The panel consisted of Cherry Wallis, Theadora Lee, Dodie Clark, Laci Green, Lucy Moon, Jana Damanhouri, and was chaired by Lex Croucher. I've got to say that I was a bit apprehensive about going to this talk as I was concerned that some of the opinions might be a little bit 'in your face', but I left feeling so empowered and positive. A combination of serious chatter and light hearted conversation meant that everyone was smiling and giggling the whole way through. Although the day itself was not really what I was expecting, I am glad that I went along as it really demonstrated the power of YouTubers and their videos, but also how much of an incredible community YouTube is to people of all ages.

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