
Embroidered Stripe Crop Top
Price: £22.00
I have my new Topshop uniform at the moment and it goes on for the next month. As I only work for a concession Topshop in Debenhams, we have limited stock and sometimes we are let down by the deliverydepartment when items we see online dont turn up on a wednesday morning.
This crop top is exactly the kind of thing I would like :) Im never normally a stripe type person, but im thinking that this winter I will get into it :) H&M is often the place for stripes but sometimes I find the materials not too good, but people can say that about Topshop as well!! So I think a well deserved shopping trip is in order, with a lot of time spent in the fitting rooms with a large collection of clothes!


daisychain said...

I love your blog!
The Giles Deacon collection is due to come out Monday as far as I know x

Unknown said...

So jealous that you get topshop 'uniform', must be a fun place to work!

Great site by the way :)


Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! said...

lovely blog, i want those tops gorgeous!

Becca. said...

adore the stripey top!
its gorgeous.
and look at you pippa. your blog's doing great now!
well done!

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