Yes, the title is true.
I have been a terrible blogger this week.
My posts have been vague and pretty rubbish to be honest.
I have been at the university library ever day this week untill 10pm, so basically a minimum of 5 hours every day. And tuesday I did 9 hours :( My most important exam of january is on monday - which also happens to be MY 18TH BIRTHDAY. Unfortunate I know! But I am just looking forward to going out at night and to be honest its more of a reason to go out!!
I will continue to be a terrible blogger until either tuesday or wednesday and would hope that I am in all of your thoughts when I am going through the pain and suffering of revision and then the dreaded exam on monday at 1.45. So its not even like I will have the exam in the morning and then get to go out! I have double business in the morning before the business exam and then wont get out of a BUSINESS environment till 4.30 when the exams are officially and completely over!!!
Monday night I will be out with the girls, so pictures will be shown as soon as I can. Tuesday I am going to London with Milly from Then Wednesday I am back to london for a trip to see Enron! SO excited!
Thought I would add in a very young picture of Milly from the above address and I from about 3 years ago :) At the age of 14-14 we still knew how to rock a sun hat and tesco's glasses in the clothes department :)
So obviously I must have a main topic for my post other then complaining about life! HA.
So i thought I would comment on the comeback that is PLAITS.
After looking at some celebrity plaits from over 2009 my favourite one has definitely got to be Diane Kruger's classic hairstyle with the gorgeous silver clip. Its so simple and exactly the right amount of plait in my opinion. I may have that opinion because my hair is thin and quite hard to plait but I feel that this hairstyle shows just enough of the 'in' look and also enough individuality :)
My not so favourite is Sienna Miller's plait at The Golden Globes - 2007. Yes I know, its not from over the past year but this stood out a great deal on google images! Does this look not just scream, "WANNABE'. I find it hard to even look at! She is such a classic style english rose and I really do not like the idea that her stylists are trying to make her into a more american styled actress. She should be proud to be British and embrace her natural beauty as she is so lucky to be that way! Her long wavey hair as always been something ive been in awe of and it kills me to see her with such a style following drastic change!
Me being melodramatic? Or is it actually sometimes true that 'less is more'?
Also do not forget to enter my giveaway for £25 ASOS vouchers ending thursday next week :) Post your name, blog address and why you should win the vouchers and the winner will be selecter through Also remember that you must post about the giveaway on your blog too so that you can be entered into the competition :)
Also do not forget to enter my giveaway for £25 ASOS vouchers ending thursday next week :) Post your name, blog address and why you should win the vouchers and the winner will be selecter through Also remember that you must post about the giveaway on your blog too so that you can be entered into the competition :)

What a pain about your exam being on your birthday, I know how you feel because I'm a January birthday too! Good luck in them!
i love braids. exams suck :(
Your right! Sienna should keep her style. And the braid is so pretty.I'm really jealous!
I wish I could do that Sienna braid... I adore her!
Oh no, birthday exams suck balls. I hope it goes okay.
HAHA at that photo - always makes me laugh!
Monday & Tuesday should be sooo good :) Although my clothes will be invading your bedroom...
I wore a plait last week, a side one ;)
M x
Good luck with Mondays exam, and an early Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuu xx
im all about school too- so dont stress girl. less is totally more- those braids look amazing.
happy early birthdayy!
and gorgeouss blogg- will definitely be stopping by again SOON!
yayyy can't wait to meet you both! SO excited about the party :)
I have absoulutely no idea what I'm wearing... bad times :( do you?
& I'll be arriving at 6pm to make sure everything's ok & set up properly. I'm very picky! I'll probably end up re-arranging EVERYTHING!
Can't believe you have a big exam on your bday! But at least you can relax & celebrate on Mon & Tues :)
♥ Hannah
PS: instead of posting your prize (from ageees ago), so it doesn't get lost in the post like the last one, I'll give it to you at the party :) x
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