Firstly I would just like to say a HUGE thank you and also a HUGE hello to all my new followers! Over the past week I have gone from 16 to 31 followers :) And I cant wait to get onto all of your blogs and find out more about you :) YAY.
Today, instead of catching up on the work that is ALL in for tomorrow, I went to my dads house and my colourist came over to do my highlights. I have been having them done since I was about 12, which seems young but I loved how my sister had it done so much that my mother gave in to my whining. I had wanted to have my highlights done for a long time but my lovely hair dresser Laura had a baby so was obviously just a bit busy :) By roots looked terrible! And finally Ive gone barbie barbie blonde blonde again :)
Right and now to my my Workman Shoes Gallery Calendar that I got for christmas, on the first of January the shoe chosen was a Red Suede Bootie with metallic leather detail on the sides from Charles Jourdan in the 1990's. Would LOVE to own a pair of these. Classic shoes. Well out of my price range though!! :) But you can always hope!
Also just a quick mention about the Topshop dress that I would love to own that I posted about yesterday! My friend Holly from work has it! And wore it out for new years eve :) Heres a picture so you can see how it looks! Stunning with her dark hair! She is gorgeous anyway but this dress suits her so well!

Ohh your hair looks really good with more blonde in. Yay for more followers too x
Your hair is lovely, and that haircut is perfect for you! You have such a pretty smile, as well!
By the way, I got my huge red clutch from a thrift store...
Aw thanks for your comment! I've been dying to do an outfit post but need someone to snap the photos of me! But perhaps very soon...!
Your friend Holly looks incredible in the dress, I am so obsessed with anything one-shouldered!
I wish my hair would look that good hightlighted like that - it just turns to a huge puff ball (I went as blonde as you once - bad idea!). Gorgeous!
Wow that dress is gorgeous. Might have to invest :)
Congrats on your followers but you have such a great blog it does not surprise me that you are getting a lot of followers xoxo
Thanks for the comment from a few days ago. You have a great blog...and you have to coolest name like me, Philippa! :)
Hi there, I'm new here, great blog and lovely to come across another UK blogger, so just had to start following you so I don't miss a thing!Sharon xx
Thanks so much for ur comment! I luv ur hair and ur style! Hope u had a good new year! : ) xx
Your hair is the most perfect blonde! Loving your friends Top Shop purchase! :)
I echo everyone else's sentiments about your hair. The cut and color is perfect on you!
congrats on the 31, now 36 followers! great blog and I WANT A SHOES CALNEDAR!!! haha
Thanks for your commente on mu blog. Love your hair. I follow you.
you're having one more follower!!
We always get that calender for work! :) Love the shoes so much.
Nice to see you looking so blonde again. Espec. with that cutieeee fringe!
your hair is so perfect!
looks gorgeous, and don't worry, it seems i've been having highlights since i was like 12 so i understand haha.
umm i've only just finished my cv's but i'm planning to get some out asap, as i had to quit my old job and i can't be doing without any pennies.
Aw pippa you are delightful!
Happy new year to you too
MM x
Congrats! that dress is gorgeous!
juliet xxx
happy new year...
nice blog...
Great color!!! You look gorgeous.
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