Two awards this week! Perfect birthday present :)
Beautiful Blog Award from
7 Things I love to do:
- LoungE around on the sofa with my boyfriend.
- Using my 25% off at Arcadia.
- Make lists to keep organised.
- Take nice pictures with friends.
- Looking at the stars.
-Fill up a shopping cart online (same as walk the sand)
- Eating so much that I look pregnant (because its funny not because I want a baby HA)
Happy Blog Award from
10 things that make me happy:
- Obviously Blogging has got to be a number one.
- Eating Peanut Butter on toast.
- Getting a new pay cheque.
- Finding new music I've never heard before.
- Unexpected nice phone calls.
- Bubble baths with the boy with wine and candles.
- People suddenly hugging me from behind.
- Walking with my ipod.
- Getting a really good nights sleep.
- Bacon Sandwiches.
Things I love Online.
Havent actually asked for anything for my eighteenth birthday, but general happiness would be a perfect present :) Love to all of my followers, and anyone knew who comes along! Dont forget to enter the giveaway for £25 gift vouchers for ASOS. Definitely a good win :)
I hope that everyone has a good twenty-fifth of January :)

Love the online buys so much! Especially that crop top, the bag and the shoes...!
Urgh..bubble bath thing = miss mike so much.
Hello, just stumbled across your blog and am var var impressed :-)
Where is that scarf from? I want, sorry scratch that, need to own it.
Mmmmm peanut butter on toast yum yum. Happy 18th for tomorrow. Oh how I wish I still 18. Live life to the fullest because it goes so quick!
happy birthday :)
and congrats on the beautiful blogger award, I got my first one today too !
oh, and I've changed my blog link so I think we lost contact, so please refollow me so that we don't again hehe,
my blog was formely called CLM. I don't know if you remember :S
anyway, keep in touch :)
have a great day.
xoxo - clm
oh, and p.s. pleasee tell me where the leather satchel is from? lovelovelove it!
xoxo - clm
Happy, happy birthday dear lady! Do you have any party plans? :-)
hope the exam goes well and that you're having a fab day, and that you'll have a fun night out!
looking forward to meeting you tomorrow!
happy birthday gorgeous girl x
Happy birthday for tomorrow!! Hope you have a great 18th.
All your online lusts are fab, love that satchel.
Happy Birthday! Congrats on the award :) I hope you have a great day and get everything you wish for!
Happy birthday for tommorrow darling - let me know how eighteen feels - im so scared - we're not kids any more!!
congrats on the awards!
Stay safe and chic darling,
English Rose x
I love your online picks! Especially the bag, top and scarf! oooh la la :D
love the pieces youve chosen
chic, love them
congrats on your awards
thanks for sharing as always
and thanks for your sweet comment, i really do appreciate it!
Congrats on the award dear Pippa! I love your online wishes LOL...especially the Lace Corsage Headband!
Happy Happy Birthday to You!
Love: Evi
It was lovely meeting you yesterday! Love your little online finds too ♥
P.s. I have a contest on my blog for urban decay makeup :)
Congrats on your award!! And nice items you've picked!
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