So the bags to the side (that are in fact bigger then they look) are FULL of clothes in which I am giving to charity. Now, I'm not wanting to come across all high and mighty about being charitable but you wouldn't believe how good I felt when thinking about how other people would benefit so much more from my unloved clothes more then my old wardrobe does! I gave away dresses, shoes, tops, jeans...lots of it! And all in good conditions! My mother and I decided that things need to change and due to my major obsession with buying clothes, I needed to sort out the old ones first! So I set up an Ebay account as many of you may know, and decided to give all the other items to recycling companies and charities. Of course that sounds bad, that I want to make a profit over being charitable, but some of the clothes I have bought over the two years I have been working in Topshop are pretty expensive and also have only been worn once or twice! And in a way should be given back to the store! HA. Every few months, I give a large amount of things to charity when I have to do a big clear of my room, and in a way, I feel that I should get at least a little something back from the VAST amount of money I spend each year on clothes. So hopefully everyone will see that I'm not being selfish but instead, truthful. So after my MASSIVE clear up, my mother decided to do a swap around of my room and I came home to find this!! So neat and tidy now and will definitely be having a good nights sleep :) Looking forward to getting NEW PROPER cupboards, like I spoke of a while ago...and getting BIG mirrors put up in the gaps :) Lots of future outfit posts will come from these :) Happy Day!

AND did another shoot today, which will hopefully be to all your liking...will post on thursday once the amazing photographer Caitlin has finished with them :) Going to another University Day at my first choice UEA tomorrow, and SO excited :) Wish me luck! Should be a good day out with the mother :) NO more clothes bought! Well maybe one or two things :P
good luck at UEA sweetie! & I'll be looking forward to the new shoot :)
goshhhh your room is so tidy now -you should see mine, it's AWFUL! clothes everywhereeeee!
You hare a nice persone doing charity with your clothes.
that's a really good idea, I give the clothes I don't like to a girl that my grandma knows, because she doesn't have money, and my grandma always tells me how happy I make her giving her those clothes. I also want to give a change to my room, and I definitely need mirrors too! hahah
have a good day;)
We are going to have some very well dressed homeless people in Cambridge now.
I needed a mirror that i could actually see my upper body in so i stole the MASSIVE one from my dads office, he was not too pleased, said he needed it for the rooms feng shui.
Have you sold much on Ebay yet?
Love the shoes below
Good luck with uni :) xx
You are so charitable, if I lived on my own I would never throw away a single piece of clothing, except my Mum forces me too...
From Dolly
Congrats on the decluttering! I think its awesome you're donating the clothes to charity rather than selling them. I wish I had the heart to do that these days, but I need the cash as I am unemployed. Haha!
Looking forward to the future outfit posts! xoxo
Whoever finds your clothes in the charity shop, is going to be in for a treat. :)
Hurray for donating! I do that too. It's amazing how when we clean out our closets and get rid of things, how months later we never even miss them!
Love that topshop top!
I love your bedding
Good luck with UEA!!
Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x
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