Three is a magic number

Three is a magic number

This evening thin jacket is from the New Look sale for £3
Believe it or not, I found this beaut on the floor of the sale and could not believe it when I saw a reduced sign of £3!!! From over £20 before hand! It is a size 12 and thats not my size but you really cant tell! I never normally wear things like this but I love the details on the shoulders, especially with my new Topshop high waisted jeans :) What do you think?


LillianZahra said...

The jacket is gorgeous. Can't believe it was only £3! Sometimes the sales are a really good way to discovered items that aren't your usual style. This looks great on you. x

Anonymous said...

£3?! That is such a bargain! I love the jacket.. The shoulder is so pretty! xx

Unknown said...

What a bargain!! You look gorgeous.
I love the sales floor, I found a gorgeous Topshop floaty top for £15 from £50! It makes you feel good everytime you wear it doesn't it!


Emma x said...

I love a good bargain. Can i just say those jeans look amazing on you x

. said...

wow, only £3!? It looks lovely. xx

daisychain said...

AMAZING score!

Anonymous said...

great bargain find! i feel slightly jealous...! x

Anonymous said...

OMG bargain! Somehow that makes it look EVEN better hah


♥Music Fashion Clutter ♥ said...

Hey...! Long time no speak, hope your well.

Love the outfit and what a bargain!!

Joanne xx

Cherry said...

Great find!

johnny leopard said...

£3?! that's soo good!

it looks lovely :)

hgh said...

Love the jacket, so jealous of your bargain!

Steph & The Spaniels said...

Love it :) super gorgeous, and what an amazing price.
love little jackets like that, you can wear them with some much too x

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeus Pippa, you can't tell at all its a size 12! Love how you matched kinda 'luxury' silky jacket with beading with just regular jeans and a tee! :)

Valentina A. said...

YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! I've just puslished an amazing post too!!!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I FOLLOW YOU!
check if you want:


TheBeautyAddict said...

I would never believe that was 3 - it's gorgeous!!!



Marie said...

Wow, what a steal!:D Looks great!:D

***** Marie *****

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