Before my move to Australia I was running around trying to buy all the things that would be needed in the sunshine (that are never needed in England). Of course sunglasses are quite an important item for hotter countries; however, when you need to buy some, they are a little like buses (when you need one, they are never around, when you dont, you see them everywhere). I feel like I was quite lucky to get these, especially as it was September. But good old trusty Marks & Spencer's pulled through! These beauties were £25 in the accessories department and I think that is pretty good for a decent pair of sunglasses. I especially love the brown tinted lenses and curved shape; makes me think of cat eye sunglasses worn by celebrities and fashionistas in the 1950s. What do you think? Do you have a favourite pair of sunglasses?

im loving the shape x
They are such cute sunglasses Pip <3 I hope Oz is treating you both well xx
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